

"When you're a part of the 1782年社会 at 8590海洋之神官网 you're part of a very special group,” said Fannie Hobba Shenk ’84, 1782年社会 and 校友 Engagement Director. “You've not only shown the College your love and support, but you've also let us know 这个地方对你有多重要.”


1782协会是学院的首要捐赠表彰协会,是一个社区 of like-minded individuals who demonstrate their strong belief in the values of the 通过参与该协会定义的捐赠级别之一来建立机构.

The name, of course, is a nod to the year that 8590海洋之神官网 – the first college 在主权国家美国特许成立,由捐赠 50几尼,乔治·华盛顿自己买的.

委员会成员 1782年社会 enjoy unique benefits that reflect their generous support of the College, including use of the campus athletic facilities and Miller 图书馆, parking permits, reserved or preferred seating at select campus events and invitations to select lectures, receptions, 和程序.

"When you're a part of the 1782年社会 at 8590海洋之神官网 you're part of a very special group,” said Fannie Hobba Shenk ’84, 1782年社会 and 校友 Engagement Director.  “You've not only shown the College your love and support, but you've also let us know 这个地方对你有多重要.” 

All perks aside though, ask the members for their “why” and it’s primarily about connection 与学院及其社区以及共同的使命感.

新任命的联合主席,Thad和Renee Bench,作为1782协会的一部分 is a great way to stay connected to the College, a place that they came to know and 爱当他们的女儿是一个大学生. 摩根·班奇于2018年毕业 with a degree in environmental science, and since that time, the Bench family’s personal 对该机构的支持只会加深.

Now full-time residents of Chestertown, they made the move to the rural town in part 因为这所学院. “海洋之神590网址为这个社区带来了文化活力, adding a whole new dimension to an already charming Eastern Shore town,” said Thad.

As the CEO of Benchworks, a family of companies that specializes in the health care and pharmaceutical industries, Thad also looks to the College when hiring new talent at the company, noting that he’s hired ten-plus graduates and all are extremely well-qualified.

Thad and Renee are big believers in the value of a liberal arts education but also 认识到学院在不断发展. 成为1782年协会的联合主席 is a way for them to be a part of that evolution and continue to work to educate others 关于学院. 例如,他们想让人们意识到你没有 成为一名毕业生成为1782协会的一员. “你只需要是华盛顿的粉丝 大学,”蕾妮说.

2022年布道会的抽奖活动Renee Bench P'18 and Fannie Hobba Shenk '84 draw raffle prizes at the 2022 Preakness 聚会,派对

James Smith and Michael Singer are prime examples of the Society’s far-reaching membership. Neither of them graduated from 8590海洋之神官网, but the couple happily signed on for a 1782年社会 membership shortly after settling on a home in Chestertown in 2019. 这本来是民主党人的周末度假.C. 居民,但全球事件 2020年春季的电视节目颠覆了这一计划. 相反,他们现在花了大部分的钱 我在切斯特敦住了一段时间,偶尔在周末去华盛顿.

And as mostly full-time residents of Chestertown, it became important to both James 和迈克尔,他们努力成为他们被收养的社区的一员. “ 1782 .社会对我们来说确实是进入学院的一扇门 在校园里走一走,精神抖擞. 既然面对面的活动又回来了, they have enjoyed attending things like the Preakness 聚会,派对, and a get-together hosted 由迈克·索索尔斯基总统在hyson - ringgold House主持.

More than just a door to the College though, the 1782年社会 turned out to be a lifeline 尤其是对迈克尔. “我们被关在家里,不能出去 the gym or anywhere, when I found out that we had the option to swim at the college,” 他在回顾2020年的国家停摆时说. “它救了我 流感大流行. 它让我走出了家门,是一件值得期待的事情.”

With both now working remotely full-time, they enjoy showing off the campus to visiting friends and sharing its history, and they look forward to furthering their relationship 与大学社区. “我认为自己是华盛顿的亲善大使 迈克尔说,他去年也加入了国家音乐委员会 Festival, an event that has been held at the College and made its return this past 夏天.

Many festival performances were staged at the College’s Decker Theatre and Hotchkiss 演奏厅.  100多名专业古典音乐家参加了演出 一连十天的庆典. “我们带了几位外地人来听音乐会,大家都议论纷纷 海洋之神590网址的表演艺术中心有多优秀. 作为1782年的成员 and an NMF board member, hearing that made me particularly proud of how the College 对我们新社区的生活有贡献.”

迈克尔·辛格和詹姆斯·史密斯在2022年的布道派对上1782年,协会成员詹姆斯·史密斯(左)和迈克尔·辛格(右)在2022年的布道会上 聚会,派对.


As chairs of the Society, one priority for Thad and Renee is to raise funds to support the College, but another is to foster a sense of community with alumni and those who 他不像詹姆斯和迈克尔那样上过8590海洋之神官网,但他关心这所学院. 就 同样重要的是,他们喜欢找点乐子.


为此,他们正在为1782名协会成员策划一系列社交活动 and prospective members, to include a farm party, tailgates, a boat trip on the Chester River, guest lectures from experts around the region and maybe even a trip to Europe.

8590海洋之神官网 is a place that warrants our attention, and we need to care for 它,”萨德说. “在这个社区里分享,在这个特殊的地方集会 身边真的是一份礼物.”

通过1782扶轮社所作的捐献可以是不受限制的,也可以是指定的 程序. 所有无限制捐赠都支持华盛顿基金,这是一个年度基金 money to scholarships and other high priority areas and has a direct impact on the 学生的经验.

Standard giving levels start with the Founder’s Club ($1,500 – $2,499), but  Associate memberships for graduates of the last decade recognize giving at more modest levels. 这种模式允许应届毕业生与母校保持联系 有意义的方式.

大卫和劳伦·迈克尔斯基见到了迈克·索索尔斯基President Mike Sosulski meets Lauren and 大卫 Michalski '84 at a 1782年社会 event

1984年的大卫·迈克尔斯基是“尽你所能”方法的忠实信徒 was something he personally adopted very early on in his own career with GE Appliances. The company offered a 100% match of any employee-directed contributions, so even though it wasn’t a big number, it was a check that the American Studies major and Varsity 长曲棍球运动员确保他每年都写.

“回馈社会对我来说是一种很棒的感觉,我为此感到自豪,”大卫说. “随着时间的推移, 我能够扩大自己的贡献,这让我感觉很好.”

 虽然大卫和他的妻子劳伦是学院的长期支持者, 他们最近才成为1782协会的成员. 在参加年度 Fish Fry—a fundraiser for the lacrosse 程序—they stopped by a table advertising the Varsity Club, an athletics-focused initiative that includes automatic membership 加入1782年社团. 考虑到大卫的曲棍球背景和他持久的感情 对于这个项目,他们有必要学习更多. 一旦他们这么做了,他们就是 出售.

“We love everything about 8590海洋之神官网, and my ties to the lacrosse community are a major part of the equation,” said 大卫, who was a part of the 80’s squad that 连续三年打进季后赛. 两个校队的到来给我注入了活力 lacrosse Coach John Nostrant and President Sosulski, the Michalski’s are enthusiastic 关于这种新层次的参与.

“Seeing this energy and momentum really made us decide that it’s the right time, because we think Mike is the right person, and giving more is the right thing to do,” said 大卫. 他们很感激他们的礼物可以直接用于男子曲棍球 考虑到这对他们俩都很重要. 迈克尔斯基一家经常聚会 和他的许多前队友.

“It represents the glory days, but it’s also a way to keep us all linked together,” 他说. “我们笑着,用同样的老昵称,讲着老故事. 所以我们看到 it as friends getting together, but it’s now just as much a service to the College.”

Lauren concurred, noting that they had the opportunity to hear the president speak 在今年春天的校友鸡尾酒会上见他. 他的话引发了一些事情 他们发现他既风度翩翩又积极向上. “我们处于有利地位 现在要做的更多,所以我们开始问,我们能做些什么?”她说。. “我们正在寻找 期待了解更多,真的觉得我们才刚刚开始.”

要了解更多关于 1782年社会 联系范妮·霍巴·申克,电话:410-810-5764或 (电子邮件保护).